Sunday, August 20, 2006

Miracle Log

Years ago we landed in Nairobi airport with computers, sound systems, fridges, curtains, carpets, loads of tuna, cereal and peanut butter, amongst other items, that would have been certainly heavily fined if not declared, heavily taxed if declared or possibly confiscated in either of the two cases. I remember we all prayed in our hearts that we would pass through smoothly. And then I remember walking through the customs gates with at least 15 trolleys of huge boxes (difficult to miss!) with all the customs inspectors looking at us but saying nothing. On the way to the Coptic Center, I remember thinking that our group leader must have had some contacts in the airport or he must have given them “some gifts from America (Synonymous with money or gift items in Africa).”

My miracle was that they accepted the bribe and let us go through. Many times we limit the Unlimited Creator and so we see the miracles we want to see - mainly the miracles that are backed up by some human effort – and in today’s terminology we call that “worldly wisdom” or “rationale.” I have tried several times to share a few of the miracles that I believe were purely diving work with others. Most of the time the reaction is either that I must be missing something, or that I got over excited, or that something else must have happened.

A week ago, I was inspired to begin this miracle log and surprisingly enough I have exactly seven miracles:

  1. Three days ago I left home late for the millionth time. I reached JAFZA in 25 minutes on a speed of 180 km/hr. Food-for-thought: I had no accidents, there was no obstructive traffic and I normally arrive at work later than that at the same speed.
  2. I resigned from my last job October 10th, 2005. Food-for-thought: The proposal of the current project I am on was signed on that date.
  3. I liked a song I heard in a meeting so much. I looked all over for a cd that had it and found none. A few days later a girl asks us for a ride. Food-for-thought: We end up talking about this song in the car. She opens her bag and hands us the tape.
  4. We proposed something to our client and then figured we didn’t have the resources for it. I had never done anything like this before and my manager was becoming increasingly frustrated with me. Food-for-thought 1: One morning, I stumbled upon a book that solved the problem in no time. Food-for-thought 2: I stumbled on an article on the internet yesterday that said this solution was Best Practice and world renowned.
  5. I got stuck with a few ugly assignments at work that I have never done before. I walked into the meetings and I cannot remember what I said. I do not even think anything I said made sense. Food-for-thought: Decisions that were pending forever were taken on that day and issues that had been open for ages were closed.
  6. A municipality bus rammed into my side a few days ago. Food-for-thought 1: My wheel got stuck in its wheel – so the bus had to stop before it ran me over flat. Food-for-thought 2: I only have a minor dent that nobody has even noticed. Food-for-thought 3: I was late to work and the accident was the perfect excuse!
  7. I wanted to go see a dermatologist for some skin rash. I hoped he would write me a decent medicine. I also hoped my insurance would cover it. Food-for-thought 1: The doctor prescribed the medicine but wrote different reasons on the claim form so that the insurance would cover it. Food-for-thought 2: He gave me a free treatment that normally cost thousands, lowered the price and wrote something else on my claim form to cover it. Food-for-thought 3: I walked away with not only the medicine, but a free gift bag of other goodies – like lip balm, soap, juice, cream, lotion etc.

I am positive there may be many out there who will still consider these ordinary coincidences. However, I am beginning to realize that miracles are what experience if we adopt a humble, simple heart that is completely reliant on the only true provider.

We sometimes decide to believe in the miracles that are possible to believe and then wonder why God doesn’t raise the dead anymore…anywayz!


Blogger Bassem said...

It is a great practice what you are doing Amy; keeping a record of all the good things that happened to you. Reading your post, I could relate to some similar events that happened to me as well. I think I am gonna start my own journal also. (I will be using MS Office OneNote though; the new 2007 version has auto publish to blog features :D )

8:51 PM  
Blogger Amy said...

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8:58 AM  
Blogger Amy said...


Menawar el blog - looooong time. Yes, I think for a change we need to celebrate God's mighty hand in our lives rather than the lack of it - which I am afraid is sometimes not too egyptian :D.

Sameh, thank you for the comment that is longer than my post itself - I get the point ;).

Monmon, thank you for the cute sms - that's a unique way of commenting on my blog. However, I guess that still means Ill have loads of empty comment spaces...sniff :).

John, ya rab 2elsanady :D.

9:03 AM  
Blogger Fawzy said...

I was in some convention with my kids & we had this idea of logging each time u feel God’s presence in ur life, so when I first read ur post I felt u where with us hehehe
One more thing ya Amy, use this miracles log, in ur prayers, it can be a great drive for ur prayers, when u keep these miracles in front of ur eyes while praying, I’m sure it will take out soooo many feelings toward God.

One more log u can work on, I call it the needs log, start logging ur needs and don’t forget to log the need date, then when it’s solved, log the solution and again log the date, use it in ur prayers, it will help a loooot, also keep looking to what is solved & what’s not, the dates and so on…

Spend some long time with ur logs on the year’s ending and keep remembering how God has been treating u, u’ll be amazed :-)

Amyyyyy, great post :-) sorry for the late comment but u know about my amyways-commenting syndrome

1:13 PM  
Blogger HoneyBee0608 said...

Well done Amy!
ur post bring 2my mind how positive way of thinking and positive approach 2life make us live better life..
u reminded me of one of my favourite books: "Battlefield of the Mind" for Joyce Meyer, she talks about how positive way of thinking can change our whole world..
u know wht, anybody else may have gone through all that (wht u consider miracles) without even noticing them, and on the contrary, he would have concentrate on the many frustrations of life..
when i read the book it really influenced me and i decided 2try 2gradually control my way of thinking so that i'd have positive thinking --->> feelings..
it's gr8 that u r practicing that..good luck & plz keep it up!

3:43 AM  

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