Wednesday, July 05, 2006

Blaze a trail, Please.

A French naturalist once conducted the following experiment. He placed a few caterpillars on a flower pot rim and left some pine needles (caterpillar food) in the center. The caterpillars began their procession along the flower pot rim, one following the other, hour after hour, day after day, for an entire week until the last caterpillar was almost touching the first, forming a complete circle. After a week, all caterpillars died from starvation. Although, the one thing that could have saved them was only six inches away, a processionary caterpillar will only move if it sees another caterpillar leading the way.

Today not very different from processionary caterpillars, we have many recessionary human beings. Largely contributing to the degenerate state of today’s world, they come in several species

  1. Some “proceed” only to survive - too selfish and unconcerned to contribute to the world around them.
  2. Others are the fearful majority who play second fiddle: Social compliance is top priority regardless of whether it was purposeful.
  3. Last but not least, you have the default type. They stick to the trail somebody left behind, close their shutters and follow in a trance. In case you’re wondering, this type is not too close to extinction yet. Their trance phase involves nibbling off somebody’s nerves....anywayz….


Blogger Egyptian Philosopher said...

It looks that few of these creatures came on your nerve recently :)..

In my opinion they represent 80% of the world population and have ability to survive in all environments and keep reproducing under any adverse conditions. Practically, there is no solution to eliminate them; therefore your best strategy is to minimize their impact by sticking to your higher purpose and cause (the collective effort of the remaining 20% will prevail eventually).

But note that the higher your purpose and standards are, the more lonely you will feel in your way (at the top of the pyramid there is only one stone)

2:17 PM  
Blogger Amy said...


I completely agree. You will always be the center of criticism if you don't follow suit. And it saddens me that the fear of social rejection/loneliness/injury or criticism from others is usually the motive to why we do everything we do.

However, I am always motivated when I remember that almost all the people who impacted this planet were the ones who were given a bad name by the press or others. The simplest example is Jesus - He was the talk of the town all the time. St. Paul was sometimes attacked by his own children (People/Churches he served). Martin Luther King was hated by many and eventually shot dead. Mother Theresa was rejected by her own family and others when she started her service and many more...It truly takes guts to rewrite history and the reason why we dont have many who do that today is obvious...

2:18 PM  

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