Please Send me Back on Same
Every morning, when I walk into our mini-pantry at our current client's site to make my coffee, I see the neat, smiling and courteous office boy making the staff their tea and coffee. When I take out the spoon from the coffee jar, I almost always forget to put it back. Every single morning, I remind myself not to stir my coffee with that spoon but I still forget - for the past two and a half months now! I always told myself I had good intentions. At least I'm making my own coffee! I am very new to this concept of office boys making coffee for employees. I actually find it particularly demeaning.
Today morning, I made a point to remember. I found a neatly printed label exactly trimmed to fit the spoon handle and laminated to be waterproof saying in all the English he could gather: "Please send me back on same." Just, how polite and cute is that? In a more "professional" environment, I think he would have been slighlty unforgiving. As the rapid commercial and professional development takes its toll on this city and people's egos, many forget simplicity in reacting when they don't get red carpet treatment - let alone when intentional damage is done unto them.
A lady at my last job not only openly trashed a team mate because he used her mug (not that he knew it was hers and stil wanted to use it) but also demanded he wash it and then she sanitized it. When somebody repeatedly used my mug, I put a little label with my name on it. The whole company then started to use it.
A courteous "No" wouldn't work too well in many places....anywayz...
... and finally a real "amywayz" post!
Well I don't see a major issue with the "office boy making tea/coffee concept" except that it is definitely an abused one! We have one, who we only use when we have mid-to-high profile customer meetings, otherwise we make our own coffee...
however, yes I do agree that tolerance and patience are virtues semi lost in the corporate world ... not only in terms of practice, but also in terms of expectance! Unless i am nasty about it, most people will not grasp how serious I am about sth ... two virtues lost to fantasy and historical movies.
... that is why i have a mickey mouse beer mug (for office coffee), that i hide in my drawer during the night!
LOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOL, Sameh -that is just so typical egyptain!!! :)))))))))) Antimena, thank you for the thoughtful comment :)- loooooooool, Im still thinking about that mickey mouse mug and it's so true - how you become a totally different, vulnerable person when you're on your own. The pressure to survive usually gets out the beast in us - it's not the way God created us - no wonder He wanted us to go back and become like children!!
However (drums please) I disagree that the rest of my posts were not amywayz/food-for-thought posts - they don't all have to be end with anywayz :P. But, perhaps I need to do a bit more highlighting :).
My exit music please!
(Tom & Jerry Jingle)
use disposable (I)
Wow - gosh now that was thoughtful - Naccache that was really deep :P
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